Caracterización de la composición y fluctuaciones en la densidad y diversidad de los ensambles planctónicos en cuatro humedales de Tarapacá

Published 25-01-2023
Section Research Articles


  • Esteban Quinán Centro de Estudios de Humedales-Centro de Estudios del Desarrollo
  • Juan Pablo Oyanedel Universidad de Chile
  • Karina Diaz Universidad de Chile
  • Carolina Vera Centro de Estudios de Humedales-Centro de Estudios del Desarrollo



The limnology of the interior wetlands in Tarapacá presents productive cycles highly dependent on the summer rains and the physicochemical conditions of the environment. Between 2013 and 2015 planktonic assemblies of two evaporation lagoons and two ravines were studied during two productive and two vegetative seasons, together with the associated physicochemical conditions. The results show that phytoplankton in general has been dominated by diatoms and only in a green algae ravine, while zooplankton presented very different compositions between the lagoons and between the ravines, with important temporal variations. In ponds, zooplankton high densities were positively associated with total dissolved solids and their diversity was inversely associated with temperature. On the other hand, phytoplankton diversity maintained an inverse relationship with the richness of zooplankton.