Inhalation anesthesia in horses: characteristics and considerations at he time of its use

Published 25-01-2023
Section Review articles


  • Camila Marañon Universidad Andrés Bello
  • Natalia Eckholt Peña Universidad Andrés Bello
  • Felipe Correa Universidad Andrés Bello



Anesthetic drugs are fundamental in surgical procedures due to their flexible time of use and predictable recovery times. However, they can generate drastic changesin the cardiovascular and respiratory function of horses. To achieve a balanced anesthesia, we use several intravenous drugs with an inhalation anesthetic. The decision of which drug to use will depend on the state of the general health, as well as the kind of procedure in which the patient will undergo. Therefore, before submitting a patient under anesthesia, we must do a complete physical exam and characterize their general state. For this purpose there is the ASA classification system which allows to determinate the general condition of the patient and have the anesthetic considerations to lower the risk of each procedure. It is fundamental a constant monitoring of the patient while he is under anesthesia to ensure and control the physiological function and the appropriated anesthetic depth, as well as to act on time in front of the diverse complications that can present. Morbidity and mortality in equine anesthesia is considerably higher than in other domestic species