Published 25-01-2023
Section Research Articles


  • Sebastián Ruiz Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral
  • Miriam Vazquez Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral
  • Paula Diez Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral



The present work arises from the Extension Project "Linking Activities University -Schools and Schools. A space in common for the construction of geographic knowledge ", whose purpose is to articulate the teaching activity of this University with a Secondary School. The purpose is to bring teaching strategies based on case studies associated with geotechnologies to jointly address an urban and local problem such as flooding in the city of Río Gallegos. Case studies as complex instruments include for their development information and data from diverse sources that determine their interdisciplinary nature. Good cases are built around real-life problems and generally correspond to scales of analysis known to students. The incorporation of geotechnologies as techniques or analysis tools give added value to the teaching-learning processes and encourage students' interest in geospatial science and technology. The objective of the work is to highlight the importance of geotechnologies in the teaching of geography in secondary education. The methodology consists of presenting the students with the problem and providing the geotechnical tools to facilitate the detection of the recent changes that have occurred on the natural drainage network. The observation, analysisand evaluation of images (old aerofotomosaics, satellite images, topographic chart and digital elevation models) guides the student and allows him to make judgments based on facts, logical and well-founded information. The results are compared with the most affected areas during the precipitation events recorded during 2016 on the city plan. Río Gallegos is located on the southern margin of the estuary shared between the Gallegos and Chico rivers. It is developed in a temperate cold-semi-arid plateau with average annual rainfall ranging between 200 and 240 mm; Recent studies have shown that with 8 mm of precipitation, floods are recorded in different areas of the locality, mainly on the lowest topographic levels, generating alterations in the spatial organization of the population and economic losses. The problems of waterlogging in the city are the result of the alteration of the natural water system due to the occupation of the land for urban use and the lack of hydraulic works according to the growth of the ejido. Geotechnologies as didactic strategies applied to the case study generate greater motivation and significant learning among students who could develop critical and creative thinking skills