Taxonomic Classification and Suitability Evaluation of Selected Soils of Gboko for Yam and Cassava Production.

Published 25-01-2023
Section Research Articles


  • Jacob Usman University of Agriculture, Makurdi Nigeria
  • O.J. Ogbu University of Agriculture, Makurdi Nigeria
  • S. Afatar University of Agriculture, Makurdi Nigeria
  • S.E. Iji University of Agriculture, Makurdi Nigeria



This study evaluated soil fertility status of Gboko-South in Gboko Local Government Area and their suitability for cassava and yam production. Auger point investigations were carried out at 100 m intervals along traverses spaced at 100 m apart. Three soil units were identified on the field based on soil colour, structure, textures, surface characteristics and topography. The results showed that the soil units were deep (102 – 141 cm) and well drained except unit I that was poorly drained. The soils were coarse-textured and slightly to moderately acidic in reaction with pH values which ranges from 5.38 – 6.50. They had low organic matter contents ranging from 0.20 to 0.95 % and high base saturation which ranged from 76 to 86 %. The soils were classified as Typic Epiaqualfs/Epigleyic Stagnosols, Arenic Haplustalfs/Eutric Luvisols, and Eutric Haplustept/Eutric Haplic Luvisols. Soils of unit I (Pedon I and II), unit II (Pedon III and IV) and unit III (Pedon V and VI) were evaluated to be moderately suitable for cassava and yam production.