Retos para la producción vitivinícola en la región norte de Baja California: Una Caracterización hidrológica del valle de Guadalupe

Published 25-01-2023
Section Research Articles


  • José Luis Manzanares-Rivera El Colegio de la Frontera Norte



We analyze underground water intensity use for the main wine producing region in Baja California integrating clime variability parameters considering time series with a daily frequency over a 42-year period. The theoretic approach relies on a water security framework. Using official data, a series of indicators are constructed from a sustainability perspective, such as the underground water volume concession index (IVCAS) which together with the representation of density for extraction permits by square kilometer provide insights into the anthropogenic pressure towards water resources in the area. The methods used by the investigation include multispectral satellite images acquired by remote sensing tools from Sentinel 2 mission. Using this approach, the study provides measurements that reflect water use patterns and identifies areas under stress. Results suggest that anthropogenic factors constitute the main treat towards sustainable production in the long run for this key activity in Northern Baja California