Sustainable environment friendly approach for Psilocybe zapotecorumcolour dyeing integrated with anti-microbial finish

Published 25-01-2023
Section Research Articles


  • C R Madhu R C Technical Institute
  • B J Agrawal M S University of Baroda



Textile dyeing & functional finishing are two necessary and traditional separated processes employed in textile wet processing. Both these processes not only consume large quantities of water and energy, but they also add to the pollution load because of varieties of dyes, chemicals and auxiliaries used for performing them. Therefore, simultaneous dyeing and finishing, one bath method with single natural dye could be more advantageous to antimicrobial textiles, which can protect from antimicrobial activity. Natural dyes use in this work is Mushroom (Psilocybe zapotecorum). This-dye is also known as herbal dye and was used as antimicrobial agent as long as a century ago. This approach of designing sustainable eco-friendly processing of textiles to help environment and world health by reduce effluent load, to industries by reducing cost.