Incremento volumétrico de un ensayo con híbridos de Populusspp

Published 25-01-2023
Section Review articles


  • Oscar Vallejos-Barra Universidad de Talca
  • Ricardo Baettig Palma Universidad de Talca



The energetic requirements increasing demanded by society required interest in stablish assays for species or hybrid selections that in short time generating high biomass or volume quantity. In this research it determined the mean annual increase in an assay with Populus hybrid with the aim of present the potentiality of hybrids of the Alamo Technological Center (CTA) of the Talca University. The assay was stablished at 10 km at north of Talca in Panguilemo experimental station of Talca University. In this site was measured the basal diameter and height by three years in six central plants in each subsite with four replicas by hybrid for both plants densities (5000 and 1000 plants ha-1). The volume was calculated utilizing the morfid exponent of paracone. The volume increase varied between 5306 and 15258 m3ha-1year-1, and it was detected significant differences between hybrids. The major productivity group was composed by five hybrids from CTA catalogue that suggest a major productivity if it used dendroenergetic plantations that utilizing Populushybrids would considerate some selected hybrids from Alamo Technological Center of Talca University.