Osteochondrosis, physitis, angularmand flexural deformation in horses as examples of developmental orthopedic diseases

Published 25-01-2023
Section Review articles


  • Christian Tuemmers Universidad Católica de Temuco
  • Carolina Mora Universidad Católica de Temuco
  • Angélica Saldivia Universidad Católica de Temuco




Developmental Orthopedic Diseases (DOD) are those that affect the musculoskeletal system of young horses, which have important consequences both in sports and animal reproductive performance. These diseases have a high incidence within Equine Stud farms worldwide, causing concern within the equine market as it is a factor that undermines the economy negatively breeders. Osteochondrosis, osteochondritis dissecans, physeal dysplasia, angular deformities and flexularesmembers are among the diseases that are grouped under this terminology. A common factor of these diseases are disturbances in endochondral ossification, either metaphyseal plates in the epiphyseal growth or locomotor. The disease has a set of typical symptoms that include some degree of lameness, abnormal posture, hunched members and joint effusion. The pathogenesis of these diseases relies primarily on nutritional, genetic, mechanical forming or a combination thereof. Nutrition appears as a factor that can be controlled by breeders to reduce the incidence of these diseases, through the implementation of food programs to establish the necessary levels of energy, minerals and protein for pregnant mares and foals in process increase.