Diversity and composition of co-existing soil micro-arthropods and association probability.
The soil is at the interphase between the atmosphere and lithosphere and also with water bodies of fresh and salt. The organic matter of the soil was mixed up with minerals and derives energy. Soil organic matter is one of the major sources of nutrient element for plants. Organic matter in soil is a dynamic material and it changes continuously as a result of microbial activity. The soil faunas inhabiting the soil are active partners of plant tissues. In this study Population density, diversity, soil properties and species association of soil groups in general and species association of a soil isopod Phyloscia javanensis in particular was studied. It was observed that, in general grassland soil is more fertile than agriculture soil. The monsoon season has showed maximum soil animal group density and species association followed by post monsoon and summer season. The species with more significant positive association was observes as Collembola and Acari. The species under special study Phyloscia javanensis showed maximum association in monsoon in both ecosystems and least during summer
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