Una revisión sistemática del tratamiento homeopático para el insomnio

Publicado 2023-04-24
Sección Review articles





Insomnia is one of the most frequently countered condition, yet it is the most neglected condition as well. The review of articles published and various studies done on treatment of insomnia with homoeopathy is essential to know the utility and effectiveness of Homoeopathic treatment. The other methods of treatment for insomnia are responsible for drug dependence and many adverse effects. Numerous articles were studied from electronic databases like Medline, PubMed, SCOPUS etc. The detailed study of various types of articles were done based on Homoeopathy and insomnia to know the effectiveness of the homoeopathic drugs. Total 6123 articles were studied and depending on criterion for inclusion and exclusion a total of 36 publications were chosen for the investigation. The study concludes that Homoeopathic treatments are effective and long term beneficial though more research is necessary.