Determinants of Sustainable Frugal Innovation in Higher Education: A Massive Open Online Courses Perspective

Publicado 2023-09-19
Sección Review articles


  • Shikha N Khera Delhi Technological University
  • Himanshu Pawar Delhi Technological University



Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have evolved from open educational resources during the last decade at the right pinnacle of technological advancements and thus, online learning exponentially evolved and spread with the expansion of MOOCs across various streams. We aim to explore the conceptual foundations of sustainable frugal innovation in higher education using MOOCs as a form of frugal product that might help bridge the gap between underprivileged sections of the society and their higher education systems from a developing country perspective. Using a systematic review approach we have analysed definitions pertaining to both the concepts published in peer-reviewed journal articles (n=71) and cross-validated our findings from grass-root frugal innovators and higher education academicians via group interviews. Accessibility, affordability and resource scarcity were found to be the most crucial determinants of sustainable frugal innovation that MOOCs have successfully embraced over the years. Strengthening our case from a developing country perspective our results signify the importance of instituting a frugal approach towards proliferating MOOCs in such systems that either lack quality education or are devoid of resources and leadership necessary to bank upon the underlying power of e-learning.