Analyzing the barrier factors in implementing on-site construction waste management: a structural equation modeling approach

Publicado 2023-12-07
Sección Research Articles


  • Neetha Mathew
  • Annie Sonia Xavier Civil Enengineering Department TocH Institute if Science and Technology Arakunnam, Ernakulam, India

Palabras clave:

Site waste-management plans (SWMP), barriers, statistical analysis, relative important index value (RII), Structural Equation Modelling (SEM)


Waste Management Plans must be implemented on all construction sites regardless of site size. With an effective site waste management plans (SWMPs), the amount of waste generated can be controlled, minimized and partially prevented, and
financial losses can be monitored and quantified. There is non-compliance with construction SWMP as well as recycling at construction sites. The goal of this study is to conduct ranking of the barrier factors in implementing effective SWMP and in addition to that a structural equation modeling (SEM) of factors to find correlations between them. Data collected through
a questionnaire survey are checked for reliability using Cronbach's alpha test using IBM SPSS 22 software and analyzed and evaluated using the Relative Importance Index (RII) method. The barriers overcome with the highest RII value were unavailable
waste management procedures and technological support within the organization and insufficient environmental training of construction workers in waste management. Structural equation modeling (SEM) of barriers, correlation, and hypothesized
significance of the relationship between these factors was performed using smartPLS 3 software. The final SEM results showed that the construction-related factor had the highest path coefficient, indicating that the technical factor significantly affects legal aspects. The higher the beta coefficient, the stronger the effect of the exogenous latent construct on the endogenous
latent construct. All hypotheses found to be significant have since been accepted. This is mainly useful in policy making in waste management Plans.