Application of Graph-based model on Nashik district state road network.

Publicado 2023-03-30
Sección Research Articles


  • Megha Assistant Professor, Mathematics Department, KVN Naik College, Nashik, India.



The role of graph theory in enabling network analysis and generalization is briefly discussed, and graph representations offer a handy way of handling the topological and related information describing a road network. The importance of obtaining measures of the functional relevance of network road segments given a context described in terms of a set of
sites of interest is then demonstrated using graph theoretic techniques such as the shortest path between network nodes and spanning trees. The road network extends from Nashik's central business area to all of the district's tehsils. The goal of this article is to use graph theory to assess the road connectivity and network accessibility of Nashik to all Tehsil headquarters. Furthermore, the Alpha index, Beta index, Gama index, Chromatic number, and Dijkstra’s Algorithm have been utilized to categorize network accessibility and determine the least distance between any two tehsils in Nashik District.