Phytochemical screening and identification of spoiled fruits and vegetables

Publicado 2023-04-25
Seção Research Articles


  • Rishikesh Surve University of Mumbai, India.



Fruits and vegetables, being the richest sources of various nutrients, are an essential component of a diet that is focused on health, and both variety and quantity are equally essential. A diet that is rich in vegetables and fruits of high quality can help people avoid many different ailments. As a result, it is essential to conduct a quality inspection on fruits and vegetables. The consumption of spoiled or rotten foods can lead to illness and unhealthy. In this paper, the quality of a few fruits and vegetables containing alkaloids are tested with the three reagents viz. Barfoed, Dragendorff and Mayer’s reagent which are used to test alkaloids. It is concluded that all these reagents can be utilized successfully to identify the good or spoiled quality of fruit and vegetables.