Suitability of demolition waste as a landfillliner material –anexperimental approach
Wastemanagementisthetermthatreferstothecollection,processing,recycling,transportandmonitoringof waste products. Various methods of waste management like incineration and recycling have been introducedrecently. A landfill liner, or composite liner, is a low permeable barrier, which is laid down under engineered landfillsites.Untilitdeteriorates,thelinerretardsmigrationofleachate,anditstoxicconstituents,intounderlyingaquifersornearbyrivers,causingspoliationofthelocalwater.Theefficientuseoflowcost,reliableanddurable materialsisverymuch essential for modern practices of construction. Demolition waste is the waste debris obtained from destructionof buildings, roads, bridges or other structures. Bentonite is a type of clay that has an ability to swell and gel whendispersed in water which is used in construction, mainly in excavation and foundation works. Dredged marine clay isa type of clay found in coastal regions across the world. This can be obtained from coastal and marine areas with thehelp of dredgers. This project includes an investigation into the feasibility of combining demolished waste materialswith dredged marine clay and bentonite to study the suitability of a landfill liner by experimental approach. Whendemolished waste was mixed with dredged marine clay, it did not satisfy the conditions required for the landfill butwhencombining thedemolitionwastewithbentonite,thecriteriawassatisfiedandtheperfectmixwasobtained.
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