Effect of glass thickness on performance of double slope inward solar desalination still for freshwater production

Publicado 2023-01-25
Seção Research Articles


  • K Saravanakumar RVS Technical Campus-Coimbatore
  • Y Robinson RVS Technical Campus-Coimbatore
  • C K Sivakumar RVS Technical Campus-Coimbatore




This paper deals with the effect of thickness of glass material which covered on double slope solardesalination still, performance of the solar still affected by thickness of the glass, which result in to majorheat losses in the system. Twoinward doubleslope desalination still with different glass thickness weredesigned, constructedand experimentally tested their performance. Theglasses are inclined 200from thecenterof thestill. The solar energy collecting area of still is 1m2.The result shows that the variation inglass thickness will affect the efficiency of the still, desalinationstill with 4mm thickness gives 48%higherfresh waterproductivitycompareto6mmglassthickness