Life below water and the fate of humanity: with special reference to the efforts by Adidas towards reducing the effects of plastic waste on the marine life.

Publicado 2023-01-25
Seção Review articles


  • Sonali Joshi Trinity Institute of Management and Research
  • Smita Temgire Trinity Institute of Management and Research



Marine Pollution is all the human waste in terms of chemicals, unwanted substances, non-biodegradable waste such as plastic that is thrown into the Earth’s water. The origin of the marine pollution is varied human activity that takes place on land. Whereinindustrialization on one has shown immense growth in the life of human beings on this planet, taking them to the era being ruled by artificial intelligence, this rapid and unprecedented growth has also lead to the demolish of the treasures of our oceans and water bodies. The Pacific Ocean has a plastic “garbage patch” of approximately 6, 20,000 sq miles. The plastic pollution, notedly, is the most harmful of the other pollution sources as it directly affects the life of corals through fibres, poisoning andtrapping of sea animals in nets, wires etc. In 1972, London Convention was the first international agreement on protecting the oceans and the oceanic life. The 2006 London Protocol bans all the hazardous waste from being disposed in the sea. Companies like Adidas have started finding solutions to control, if not yet eliminate, hazardous human actions.