Development of lake conservation.

Publicado 2023-01-25
Seção Review articles


  • Renny Varghese T John Institute of Technology Bangalore, India



ThecityofBengaluru,onceknownastheGardenCityofIndiaand theCityofLakes,hasnowtransformedinto theSiliconValleyofIndia.Thistransformationhashappenedoverthelastfewdecadesandhascausedmajorchangestothe City’s landscape. One if the important issues the city faces today is the scarcity of water. Researchers owe this issue to the depletion of lakes due to high pollution levels, encroachment and dumping of solid waste in the lakes. The neighborhood Bannerghuttaislocatedinthe SouthernpartofBangaloreMetropolitanRegion,whichisindevelopingstagesandhandful of lakes are found and comes under Minor Irrigation Department. The project focusses on Safeguarding the lake and transforming buffers into public recreational areas with functional strips of riparian vegetation. Safeguardingoflakeensuresthehabitedofthat area is preserved and protected. The transformation of lake buffer zones into public recreational spaces ensures the areato be free of any buildings that might otherwise be built on this land. Also, bringing in the public into the space would allow increasedpublicinvolvementinthelakescampaignandwouldensurebettermaintenanceofthefunctionalpartsofthelake. A recreational space is perceived as a destination and would add value to the place.