NDVI and NDMI indices based land use and land cover change analysis of Charaideu District, Assam, India.

Publicado 2023-01-25
Seção Research Articles


  • Rimlee Bora Gauhati University
  • Ashok Kumar Bora Gauhati University




A transformation of natural environment to man-made environment causes Land use and Land cover change (LULC). These changes have been taking place due to human’s unethical uses of natural resources. Remote Sensing and GIS are the essential techniques to identify land use land cover change in an area.Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI)andNormalized Difference Moisture Index(NDMI)indiceshave been usedto study the Land use changes in Charaideu District.The objectives of this paper are to analyse the spatio-temporal LULC, NDVI and NDMIchanges and the impact of LULC change in NDVI and NDMI. Three multi-temporal satellite imageries for the years 1995, 2010, and 2020 were acquired from the United States Geological Survey website to meet the study's aims.The supervised classification method has been applied to prepare land use and land cover mapsusing Maximum Likelihood Algorithm and alsothe NDVI and NDMI maps for depicting vegetation pattern and moisture condition of the study area. It is revealed from the study that the areas under built-up land and agricultural hand have been increasing during the period 1995-2020. On the other hand, area under dense vegetation has decreased due to increasing population which leads to changes in vegetation pattern and moisture condition in the study area.