Designing an interior space of residence using recycling and sustainable materials and reduce the impact of hazardous materials

Publicado 2024-01-07
Seção Research Articles


  • Kasun Tharaka Rupasinghe Lovely Professional University, Sri Lanka



Recycling materials and sustainable materials are two major aspects in Architecture. And when it comes to interior design this can affect more to the human being as well as the indoor environment.  It’s not just we can use materials in cheaper ways that we generate less pollution and produce good air quality to have well being life cycle around you. The basic output of this project is to identify and study the hazardousness of materials and to reduce its impact and to give solutions and alternatives to use them in a healthy way. The new design era has given energy to the design perspective, many of the modern designs has its own uniqueness, basically including shapes, forms and specially the selection of materials. And as designers we all must have a concern of its nature and how it effect to the health and also to increase the indoor air quality of the particular area. And as one of my main focuses of the project is to use recycle materials you need to have an idea about what kind of materials can be used in addition to the other perspective of the design. Hazardous of the materials has its own properties which can do a real harm and even cost the lives. So as this comes as a part of mine main objective of the project this study and the exercises are depend on the study of those materials and giving them better solutions with reducing the effect on the nature and the environment.