Effect of dust pollution from construction sites on on-site construction workers.

Publicado 2023-01-25
Seção Research Articles


  • Gauri Mohan Toc H Institute of Science and Technology, India
  • Annie Sonia Xavier Toc H Institute of Science and Technology, India




The concern for air pollutionand its associated problems are increasing day by day.Unfortunately, construction industry is among the top contributorsto air pollution since most of the activities like excavation, tile cutting etc taking place in construction sites result in the generation of dust.These emissions cause negative impacts on humans as well as on the environment.A lack of awareness among construction workers, contractors etc regarding the ill-effects of dust pollution result in these problems not being considered seriously or tackled properly.The identification of dust sources as well as its health consequences and other aspects in construction sites can help increase awareness and aid in the execution of control measures. This could help to reduce dust pollutionin construction sites.Here,the health impacts that construction dust cause on on-site construction workers were studiedby interviewing the workers. From the data obtained from questionnaire survey, it was found that workers directly involved with dust generating construction activities like wall polishing and tile cuttingexperienced more health problems compared to other workers.Majority of workers experienced respiratory problems.From correlation analysis, it was found that experience of workers and their age had a moderate correlation with health problems experienced.Some of the dust control measures suggestedinclude regular site monitoring, implementation of control measures designed specifically to reduce the generation of dust from activities causing highest quantities of dustand regular site cleaning.