An overview of ethnobotanical and pharmacological study of Embelia ribes (baobarang): a potential unani herbal drug

Publicado 2023-09-18
Seção Research Articles


  • Nazish Siddiqui Department of Ilmul Advia(Unani Pharmacology), A.K. Tibbiya College, A.M.U., Aligarh, U.P., India



Plant, animal and mineral products are used in unani system of medicine as drugs, which is a natural system of healthcare. The fruits of Embelia ribes are used as herbal drug under the name Baobarang. It is a climbing shrub, used as herbal drug not only in unani system of medicine but also in Ayurveda. It possess various medicinal properties but the plant is highly valuable as anthelmintic and it has been discussed as krimighna in Ayurveda classical text, Charaka Samhita. In this review an attempt has been made to discuss its geographical distribution, macro and microscopic properties, powder characteristics as dose, temperament, various pharmacological actions and therapeutic uses. Besides this phytochemistry of the fruits has also been explored to find out the chemical constituents present in the fruits responsible for its physiological properties. The review has also highlighted the need for the use of Baobarang in Unani system of medicine and future prospect for further research.