Antimiasmatic treatment on essential hyperthension: a review
The by-product of modern civilization, hypertension or high blood pressure has emerged as a "Silent killer" as a result of our hectic lifestyle. High blood pressure is not an illness; rather, it is a symptom or indicator of an underlying condition or pathological process. The increase in blood pressure is actually a compensatory or conservative process that ensures enough blood flow to the tissues even in the face of obstruction or increased blood flow resistance. Hypertension is linked to a number of health issues, including arterial aneurysm, strokes, heart failure, heart attacks, kidney failure, and death from circulatory failure. Traditional treatments for high blood pressure include acetazolamide, beta-blockers, etc. These medications do have a number of adverse effects though. Therefore, other therapies are required to manage and control HTN. 30 articles related to Hypertension was selected. Out of which 17 articles were related to homoeopathy. Homoeopathic medicines showed effectiveness in treating Hypertension cases. However extensive study is needed for more valid proved.
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