Integrated development plans as catalyst to enhance small scale farming in municipalities: the case of Winnie Madikizela Mandela local municipality

Publicado 2024-02-11
Seção Research Articles


  • Mandisi Matyana Lecturer, University of Zululand
  • RM Mthethwa Department of Public Administration. University of Zululand, South Africa.



Intergrated Development Plan, Winnie Madikizela Mandela Local Municipality, food security, small-scale farming, support


Farming, particularly on a small-scale, remains one of the mainstays of food security globally. It ensures better nutrition and decreases the likelihood of starvation. The South Africa Constitution (1996), Section 27 stipulates that the citizenry has the right to food. At the local sphere of government, integrated development plans (IDPs) should identify specific strategies, plans and actions to promote small-scale farming to enhance the community’s economic and social status. It is evident that increased local government support for small-scale farming through their IDPs could enhance food production and farming outcomes. This paper focuses on the utilisation of IDPs to lessen food insecurities through small-scale farming. The study adopted a qualitative research design. Data was gathered by means of semi-structured interviews from sampled local farmers at Winnie Madikizela Mandela Local Municipality. Moreover, an extensive literature review was conducted to highlight the significance of farming and the role of the IDP towards farming. The findings revealed that municipalities should support local farming. However, challenges such as corruption, political dynamics, and the lack of required skills proved difficult for this support to succeed. This article, therefore, recommends the establishment of an independent committee to oversee the food production process and to enhance participation of the agricultural community in local government planning.