Air pollution in India, its sources, and their human health effects

Publicado 2023-04-25
Seção Review articles


  • Sahdev S.O.S. In Environmental Science Pt. RSU Raipur


The problem of air pollution in India is a matter of great concern to the people living here, which is creating problems for humans and the environment. There are many different emission sources of air pollution, primarily motorcycles, vehicle/transportation emissions, domestic sectors, construction, demolition waste, industrial, agriculture, power plants, waste treatment, and biomass burning, all of which emit pollution. Makes a major contribution. According to the World Health Organization, some pollutants are more polluting the air including ozone, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds, lead, dioxins, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, particulates, and sulfur oxides. Exposure to air pollution causes respiratory problems, heart disease, skin diseases, eye irritation, neuropsychiatric, cancer, asthma, lung, fetal disorders, respiratory and mucous irritation, etc.  Its impact on human health is mainly due to prolonged stay in air polluted places. According to research papers. In this review article, we have discussed the major sources of air pollution, toxicology, and their impact on human health.

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